Amethyst Lips


Key qualities: *cleansing *intuition *uplifting

1 in stock


Amethyst are powerful all healing gemstones, harness’s high vibrations and has the power to focus energy on any alignments; transmuting energy and converting them into positive ones. Carry one with you if you’re around toxic people or in a toxic environment to shield you from it. It will protect you from geopathic or electromagnetic stress.

Works wonders on the 3rd eye and crown, hold a crystal on this area to activate your spiritual awareness, open your  intuition and to enhancing your psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers, Amethyst will assist you if you’re making huge life changes; it will increase your focus and enhances memory whilst also improving motivation.

Amethyst will help with dream recalls, relieves insomnia and balances the mood. If you feel anxious or irritable, meditate with one to dispel negative emotions. Amethyst can recharge other crystals and has many benefits that will support you on your crystal journey.

Amethyst balances highs and lows, promoting emotional centering, one of the most spiritual stones promoting love of divine.

Physical benefits: migraine, headaches, insomnia, lungs and respiratory, skin condition, digestive system, immune system. Boosts hormone production.

Chakra: 3rd eye and crown

Key qualities: *cleansing *intuition *uplifting

Affirmation:  “I am open to receiving all life’s blessings, I receive goodness from the universe, I am awake and vibrant, I tap into my inner greatness and positive light.

(Sold separately)